body by chic Services
Telemedicine appointments options in Allen, TX

Opt for a Telemedicine Appointment, and Take Care of Yourself Today

Life is busy, and with a hectic schedule sometimes in-person office visits can get pushed to the side. At Body by Chic, we want to make prioritizing yourself as convenient as possible. Don’t delay your consultation, opt for a telemedicine appointment, and take care of yourself today. We offer virtual visit options for many of our wellness, medical weight management, and cosmetic services. Take a look below at consultation and follow-up appointment options that can easily be done remotely.

Telemedicine appointment in Allen, TX

Our Steps to Meet Your Goals

Before your treatment, we will discuss your aesthetic goals and any concerns or questions. We will also examine your skin and review your medical history.

After the consultation, we will work with you to develop a custom treatment plan based on your aesthetic goals. We will also explain what to expect during and after your treatment and if any follow-up appointments are necessary.

During your treatment, our team of highly trained professionals will be with you every step of the way. Depending on your personalized treatment, the process may last 30 to 120 minutes.

Telemedicine appointment in Allen, TX

Frequently Asked Questions

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for men is needed just as in women. Male hormones regulate bodily functions and processes in men keeping them healthy and vital. As men age, their bodies undergo hormonal changes, and their hormones become imbalanced, causing them to experience many of the same symptoms as women struggling with hormonal imbalances.

  • Low Energy
  • Weight gain
  • Mental Fogginess
  • Restless sleep
  • night sweats
  • Decreased Sex Drive
  • Wrinkling skin
  • Depression
  • Hair loss
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Muscle Loss
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • agitation
  • difficulty losing weight

BHRT gets you back on track

You deserve to feel your best regardless of your age. Hormone replacement therapy in men can help energy and well-being to return. With a simple blood test, Dr. Fliedner can check your current hormone levels. Once he receives the results, he will meet with you and discuss the best approach and dosing and get you back to feeling your best.

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